Winter Show 2016

I did a Hail Mary play and a complete gamble by ordering some uber IR sensors on Friday, having same day delivery for $30 with no idea if these will work how it needed to. The gamble paid off, and while I am poorer for it, we were able to have a better functioning sensor array for the show.
Though that was just one of many hurdles we faced before and during the Winter Show including Melissa building up a chassis we consulted with Chester on. Melissa and I had an awesome time even though we were a bit stressed with all the tinkering we needed to do to ‘right’ the ship.We were approached by some interested people who will pay us half a billion dollars to make it for their bathrooms!!

Videos soon.

Final Project Pre-Show Update


The third prototype:
For our final physical computing class, we really wanted to get four sensors working. Unfortunately the delays that we used to send and receive ultrasonic pings clogged up the entire system. The current state of our code only allows for two sensors. However, we made progress in terms of getting one sensor to play multiple notes, as seen in this video:


We’re still not sure the best way to “zhush” it up, other than by adding painting the pvc pipe? We still need to figure out the kind of enclosure we want to use for our circuit, and bring some dignity to the sad plastic basin. We also need to get a working system without using four different arduinos. But the prototype works!

Final Project Update

Melissa and I ran some more tests with lasers and water streams at school and individually at home. Unfortunately we are still fine tuning our alternative light and sensor interface that will trigger the MIDI notes.

This is our first attempt at a MIDI output circuit.

This is us using the stock MIDI code from Arduino’s site. We are running the Arduino through a MIDI jack to a MIDI/USB converter and then into a soft synth.

This is one of our laser tests. I think it’s a cool effect but if we do use it, it will be more for aesthetic purposes.

We met again yesterday to test out our pump and PVC pipes for the fabrication part of the project. I think we are in a good place but we still have to catch up on the deliverables. Luckily I took off next week to focus on getting this completed.

DELIVERABLES (in progress):