Concept & Brainstorming (DRAFT)

Melissa and I decided to work together for the final project. We are working on creating a water instrument. The main interface will be a water fall or water sheet.20161110_111227

I am thinking about the pros and cons or it being a midi controller versus a function generator.

+Post Final Project Concept discussion (11/12/16):
We had a very productive demonstration of our water synth project. Here is a video of how we simulated our concept.

We received a lot of great feedback from our classmates and of course our Instructor Benedetta. After the testing we knew we had a good idea to proceed with and were confident that it would be something we could pursue.

After the demo we met to test our idea. We wanted to have several lasers travel through a waterfall. Unfortunately that is not easy to do and the results were not promising. We were able to get the laser to travel along a stream but it became increasingly difficult to get a projection the higher we went.