Class #5 Assignment

I spray painted my assets on a shady sidewalk a block away from a police station hoping I wouldn’t get arrested or killed.

Supports save lives but also ruins print surfaces.

Those supports are such a pain to remove that I thought a Dremel would be a good investment. A multipurpose tool to do stuff… I did some grinding outside and it started to melt the PLA material.  I guess I could have continued with the Dremel put I don’t think I had the right grit bands for the job. I did some more sandpaper sanding and went back in.

I didn’t have the time to go to school to use the spray paint chimney. I don’t have a backyard, so let’s go to the sidewalk. Luckily I didn’t get noticed and cared about. Of course I was considerate and covered the concrete with cardboard. It was an interesting experience. It was dark and summery so not bad painting weather.

The colors work. I like the strength of them as well. Now to create the rest of the items.